Tuesday, 19 February 2013




                                      REAL TIME DATA MCX -NCDEX-   CURRECNY

  • Get high quality MCX -NCDEX-CURRENCY Real Time data at just  for both AmiBroker - MetaStock. -METATRADER
  • Rs 500 per month 
  • Rs 2500 for 6 months 
  • Rs 5000 for 12 months.

  • Live data for  MCX, NCDEX & MCX Currencies Real Time data  for both AmiBrokerTM & MetaStock
  • Rs 500 per month for both AmiBrokerTM & MetaStock.
    Rs 2500 for 6 months,
  • Rs 5000 for 12 months.

The most important questions that you must ask before buying data are:
1.   Do the software update 300 or 400 stocks all at a time?
2.   Can I get 6 months total INTRADAY data of every stock?
3.   Do you give FREE support if I face any problem?
4.   Does it work on Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows7 also?
5.   Can I do auto-scanning with all the stocks simultaneously?
6.   Do your software work in ordinary broadband internet connection also with just 30 KB(KiloByte)/s speed?
7.   Can I use your data in both MetaStock and AmiBroker softwares at a time?
8.   If I have two computers then can I install in both the two computers at a time without paying any extra money?
9.   If I format my computer then will you again install the software without any extra money?

Prerequisite Software downloads:(click on the respective link to download)